The UserPanel makes it easy and quick to Vote, Vote Kick, Change Crosshair or Colour, in few clicks.

By using your chosen key in the LRv2 Panel-Manager in Options (or default key “Delete”) you are able to open up the UserPanel, while playing or being in Spectator mode.

At the top you can read Server information like Name, Server IP or Map and Mode.
You can change your Crosshair by selecting one in the “Crosshairtype” list. The Crosshair will be saved automatically.
If you don’t like the Standard yellow Crosshair Colour, choose a colour you want in the “Crosshaircolour” list. The colour selected will be also saved automatically.


By clicking the “Vote” Button, other features will be displayed, like Vote Kick, Vote Map, Vote Restart…

If you want to Vote a player out from the server, you can select the player in the Yellow-Brown list and click “Kick”.

If you want to Block a Players Chat messages, than just select the player in the Yellow-Brown List and click “Block”. (Remember this feature might not work on all FarCry Servers)

If you want to Unblock the chat messages of a blocked Player, than just select the player in the Yellow-Brown List and click “Unblock”. (Remember this feature might not work on all FarCry Servers)

If you want to Vote a new map, than you need to select the GameMode in the second list (Assault, FFA or TDM), and than select the Map in the First list, and click the button “Change”.

If you want to Vote Restart instead, than click the button “Restart”.

If you want to Vote YES or NO while a vote is in progress, use the “Vote YES” or “Vote NO” button.

Teamkilled? Use the “Punish TK” or “Forgive TK” button that appears under the “Back” button of the UserPanel when TeamKilled.
