
1. About the LRv3 Add-on
2. Main Menu
3. Multiplayer
4. LRv3 Account
5. Internet (LR) Server List
6. ServerInfo Panel
7. Automatic Map Download
8. Map Downloads Panel
9. Ranking Board
10. Options
11. Multiplayer Languages
12. Auto-Updater
13. User Panel
14. ServerAdmin QuickPanel
15. Reconnect
16. FFA / TDM / CTF / CAH Characters
17. Weapon Balance and In-game Enhancements
18. Game Modes
19. Anti-Cheat Protection
20. Webinterface
21. Mapping – Far Cry Editor

About the LRv3 Add-on

The LRv3 add-on is an extension to the Far Cry game that brings back its multiplayer online functionality (dropped by Ubisoft in 2015), fixes lots of issues with the original game and adds many features and enhancements for both players and server admins alike. It has been developed over the course of 10 years and is built upon the input from our community. The goal of the LRv3 add-on is not to change the core gameplay like many mods do, but to maintain the original Far Cry multiplayer as we have known it since 2004, improving it along the way and adding more options. For a detailed list of features simply read on. Join the Last Resistance!

Main Menu

The main game menu has been updated and streamlined. The single-player “Campaign” button has been removed as it is not available within the LRv3 add-on. If you want to go back to single-player gaming, you can simply do so by following this step. Have a look at our new main menu:

▶ Multiplayer: Main multiplayer screen and server list.
▶ Map Downloads: Map download panel to download individual multiplayer maps from our mapspace.
▶ Ranking Board: In-game statistics panel, updated by all contributing Far Cry servers that have their ranking option enabled.
▶ Options: Your trusted game options panel that allows you to change your multiplayer name, color, character model, keyboard configuration, audio and video settings etc.
▶ Profiles: Different player profiles for saving and loading different game settings.
▶ Updater: In-game updater to check for available LRv3 updates.
▶ Credits: The default credits of Far Cry as well as the credits for the LR add-on.
▶ Quit: Exit the game.

main menu

Hint: In the top left corner you will find a minimize button. It will allow you to easily and safely minimize Far Cry from inside the game without having to resort to the crash-prone “ALT + TAB” key combination.



The LRv3 Multiplayer menu offers different server lists, easy to use filters, map downloads, server and player counters, server registration options and the possibility to connect over IP port addresses. Some of the most important functions are:

▶ “LAN” button: This is the private network server list; it will detect game servers in your private network (used for LAN parties).
▶ “Internet (LR)” button: Our unofficial server list, which shows all available online Far Cry servers.
▶ “Internet (UBI)” button: The official Ubisoft server list (discontinued as of 2015).
▶ “Server(s)” and “Player(s)” counter: Tells you the number of all servers and players currently online.

The columns in the server list were slightly rearranged and the font size reduced to present the most important information at a quick glance. The outdated Punkbuster column was removed and the icons were redone in a higher resolution.

LR Multiplayer Server List

LRv3 Account

In order to establish a more flexible and ultimately safer approach towards player administration, beginning with LR version 3019 all our multiplayer online services were moved behind a login wall. This means that players will have to register an account with us and need to be logged in when playing. It is of course absolutely free, no strings attached!

Setting up an LR account is easy and straightforward and can be done from within the game menu by simply opening up the “Multiplayer” menu, proceeding to the “Internet (LR)” server list and clicking on the “Create Account” button. After entering a username and a valid e-mail address, an e-mail with a server-generated login password will be sent out.

LRv3 account creation

Once logged in successfully, players will receive full access to the LR game server list, map download panel and ranking board. A “Save Password” button is also provided, saving you the trouble of entering your password every time you want to play. In case a player has forgotten their password, a reset function is available in the same menu as well.

LRv3 Account Login

The password generation process is fully automated and there is no human interaction involved. So players can rest assured that their e-mail address will only ever be needed to forward or reset the password for their LRv3 accounts and will never be used to personally contact them or send out unrequested spam mails.

Internet (LR) Server List

LRv3 provides a simple and fully up-to-date game server list where you can find all available multiplayer servers. Since Ubisoft has shut down their master server for Far Cry, LRv3 has become the go-to solution for Far Cry online gaming. Simply start the game, go to the “Internet LR” server list, log in to your LRv3 account and select the game server you want to play on. Click “Join” and you are ready and set for a great game of Far Cry!

LR Multiplayer Server List (close-up)

ServerInfo Panel

After connecting to a game server, a window opens that shows detailed information about the server’s configuration, the current and the next map on the server and the players/bots currently playing on the server. Click “Join” to join the game.

lrv3 serverlist

Automatic Map Download

Far Cry has a great number of very diverse multiplayer maps for different game modes like ASSAULT, Free for All (FFA), Team Deathmatch (TDM) and Capture the Flag (CTF). Where in the past you had to leave the game and download maps from websites manually, LRv3 offers a convenient and fully automated way to get these multiplayer maps.

Try to join a game server but don’t have the map? A simple message will pop up and ask you if you would like to download the map. Click “Yes” and you are good to go!

You are already playing on a server but you don’t have the upcoming map? Once the current map ends, the game will ask if you would like to download the map. After confirming and completing the download successfully, you automatically rejoin the game server. It’s as simple as can be!

Downloading maps does not affect a game server’s performance at all as the maps are hosted on a dedicated mapspace. Admins can configure their own download location for their game servers, but these days most of them simply use the LRv3 mapspaces as they offer the biggest selection. There are 2 mapspaces available, one in Germany and another one in the Czech Republic. Currently we host more than 850 multiplayer maps and more are being added regularly.

map download at connect

map download at connect

map download at connect

Map Downloads Panel

Want to download maps all by yourself? If you don’t even want to go on a game server, our “Map Downloads” panel in the main menu will come in handy for you. Refresh the map list, filter maps by their game modes and select individual maps to download.

In this panel you can also switch between our German and Czech mapspace via the drop-down menu on the top left. The selected location will be used to download maps inside the “Map Downloads” panel, but it is also used by default for downloading maps when joining a server. In case server admins want to host their own selection of maps, they can of course configure their own dedicated mapspaces.

Map Downloader LRv3020

map download panel

After clicking the “Receive Available Maps” button, the list will be populated with all maps from that particular mapspace. A green tick mark or a red X, respectively, quickly lets you find out which maps you have already installed on your harddrive and which you are missing. You can also toggle the checkbox “Show installed maps” to display all maps or only those that you are still missing. To download maps or re-download existing maps, simply select the individual map in the map list and click the “Download” button. Use the filters on the top to sift through different game modes.

map download panel

map download panel

The “Delete” button in the bottom bar allows you to conveniently remove maps from your levels folder without having to navigate to your Far Cry directory.

Ranking Board

Although Far Cry has loads of pro-gamers with great skills, it never had an in-game ranking board with detailed statistics about player performance. LRv3 now offers the first incarnation of an in-game statistics panel. After loading all the data by pressing the “Refresh” button at the bottom, the ranking board will list information about all players that have played on the servers within the last 7 days. Single-clicking on each player’s name will reveal general player statistics about kills, deaths, headshots, number of bullets fired, captured ASSAULT flags etc. Moreover, the panel will also show you the individual player’s kill/death ratio, efficiency and accuracy.

ranking board

But wait, there is more! By double-clicking a player’s name or by pressing the “Advanced Player Statistics” button you can find even more detailed statistics about each player. Another panel will pop up, providing you with in-depth stats about kills/deaths by individual weapons, killing streaks and hitbox preferences.

ranking board

Server admins can decide if they want to contribute to the global ranking by activating this feature in their server config. However, statistics sent by game servers to the global ranking board of the LR master server are ignored by default until the server is approved. This way we can guarantee that all contributing game servers are set up fairly. If you want your server to contribute to the global ranking, please contact the LRv3 team, so we can add it to our system.


Most of the settings inside the Options menu are vanilla Far Cry, but we added a few things of our own to make life easier for players.

The keys for the in-game User Panel / ServerAdmin QuickPanel can be set in the “LRv3 Panel Manager”. Just click on the “Change” button, press the new key you want to use and confirm your choice by clicking the “Apply” button. By using the “Defaults” button you can restore the default keys (“Delete” / “Insert”).


In the “Video Options” tab we added an input box that allows you to limit the number of frames per second. This option is particularly useful if you own a modern graphics card, as too many frames can cause warping issues in game. Keep in mind that due to some quirks in the CryEngine the number you will put into this box will usually still be exceeded, so go for really low numbers here.


We also added a borderless screen rendering option in the “Video Options” menu. By getting rid of the Far Cry title bar you can now for example max out your game screen while still displaying your task bar at the bottom. This new feature also comes with stability benefits, especially if you experienced crashes while alt-tabbing between different windows before.


Often requested by the community, we added an input field in the “Control Options” tab to easily set a fixed value for your mouse sensitivity.


Multiplayer Languages

Thanks to the Far Cry community we were able to translate all the additional multiplayer panels, scoreboards and menu options into 7 different languages. Simply go to the “Game Options” menu and pick the language of your choice. Currently we support English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech and Spanish. The English and German in-game texts and dialogue box messages have also been vastly improved, fixing weird wording issues from the original game.


Restart your game to apply the new settings.



The LR add-on is an on-going project which has been developed over the course of more than 10 years. It is still getting regular updates to improve your Far Cry multiplayer experience. After launching your game, LRv3 will compare the currently installed LRv3 version with the one available from our master server. In case there is a newer version available, a menu screen will pop up and inform you about the update. After automatically backing up your current version, the FCLoader will start updating. If the update fails for some reason, the Auto-Updater will restore the previous LR version and redirect you to our webpage, where you can manually download the FCLoader.

You can also initiate and look for LRv3 updates yourself by going to the main menu and clicking the “Update” button.


User Panel

Well-known from eXcaliTrone, Patch 1.6 and previous versions of LR, we have taken the best of all worlds and added features of our own. Without having to remember lots of console commands, players can easily vote for specific maps, restart maps, kick unwanted players or set the amount and difficulty level of bots. The user panel also gives you quick access to a great variety of different types and colours of crosshairs.


Some examples of crosshairs:
crosshair crosshair crosshair
Some colour examples:
crosshair crosshair crosshair

By clicking the “Votes” button you will switch over to the voting area. Here you can initiate map changes and kicks or block/unblock messages from individual players.


ServerAdmin QuickPanel

This panel offers pretty much everything needed for basic server administration while in-game. Server admins can tweak server and game settings easily with just a few mouse clicks. You can quickly change and restart maps, set passwords, switch teams, move, punish, kick and ban players etc. We also added an automatic respawn timer functionality that will adjust the respawn time for each map. No need for server admins anymore to constantly monitor and manually adapt the respawn timer to the number of players present. This automated tool will do it on the fly. It can of course also be overridden if an admin wishes to do so and it is fully configurable in the server config.

The ServerAdmin QuickPanel also allows you to administrate the game server whitelist. Just select “Show” and click on the button “Pending” to check for players waiting to be whitelisted. By choosing “Add” or “Skip” you can add or ignore players. Also removing someone from the whitelist is as easy as can be: just select the player and click “Remove”.


To administrate different game servers without having to remember the RCON password each time, we have created a new login menu inside the ServerAdmin QuickPanel. Click the “Login” button on the top left and type in the server IP, server port and your RCON password. Save the profile by clicking the “Save” button. Once the profile is saved, it will show up in the list on the left. Just select the server and load the appropriate profile, then click on “Login” or “Logout”.

It is also possible to automate the RCON log-in through the “admins.txt” for each server. This way the ServerAdmin QuickPanel will log in players automatically whenever they connect to the game server. No more log-in hassle or forgotten passwords anymore!




We added a “Reconnect” button that allows you to conveniently quit and rejoin a server without having to search for it in the server list again.


FFA / TDM / CTF / CAH Characters

The ASSAULT player models are now also available for FFA and TDM. A new player model (lab assistant) has been added as well.

characters  characters  characters

Weapon Balance and In-game Enhancements

Hotly debated since the release of patch 1.4, different weapon settings have become a major point for discussion in the world of Far Cry. Whichever set-up you prefer, as part of the general server configuration, LRv3 offers practically all weapon settings ever created for the game. Server admins can quickly choose between 1.33, 1.40, XT or custom LR game/weapon settings, even from within the in-game ServerAdmin QuickPanel.

▶ Respawn effects: Gone are the days where respawning players would just vanish into thin air: LRv3 comes bundled with a great variety of spectacularly bloody respawn effects, some of them even player class specific. Faint-hearted or squeamish server admins can deactivate this eye-catcher, but surely nobody would want to miss out on this gory mess of flesh and bones.


▶ Map cycle vote: Sometimes it is boring to go through the map cycle on any given game server. Whenever a map ends, this easy-to-use feature allows players to quickly choose from 3 maps, even showing a preview of their loading screens.

mapcycle vote

▶ Scoreboard: Players who captured flags (ASSAULT) or successfully uploaded data (CTB) are now highlighted on the scoreboard. An info box on top of the scoreboard shows the server name as well as the map and game type being played. Taking a screenshot at the end of any map will thus include all relevant data — a particularly useful feature when playing tournaments or fun wars.


▶ Server banners: Beneath the scoreboard, server owners can display their own custom server banners. A header text and up to 3 banners can be set that will switch in freely definable intervals. Thus players can be informed about specific server and weapon settings or upcoming game events. Of course the banners can also be used to simply send season’s greetings to the community. Some examples:

Several server banners

▶ Widescreen support: When Far Cry was released, the 4:3 aspect ratio was still the norm. Today, with players almost exclusively using widescreen monitors, we felt that an automated widescreen rendering feature needed to be added to Far Cry. This mode will automatically set your field of view (FOV) according to your game resolution. It also fixes all stretched HUD elements (like the scoreboard, radar, health bars, crosshairs, weapon scopes, binoculars etc.) as well as stretched in-game menus (like the User Panel, the ServerAdmin QuickPanel, map voting previews and server banners). Custom HUDs as used in the CTF and CAH game modes were also fixed. Please note that this widescreen fix only applies to in-game elements, the Far Cry main menu is not affected. See below for example how the newly created weapon scopes are no longer stretched horizontally when playing in widescreen resolutions:

  Rocket Launcher Scope unstretched  OICW Scope unstretched  Sniper LRv3020

4:3 screen: HUD elements have the correct aspect ratio. No zoom effect while playing. Take particular note of the weapon:


16:9 screen:
HUD elements have the correct aspect ratio. More image to the left and right. No zoom effect while playing. Take particular note of the weapon:


Permanent sniper crosshairs: Unfortunately, nowadays external software (and hardware) allows players to display crosshairs for weapons at all times, giving them an unfair advantage over players that play Far Cry the way it was meant to be played. This turns for example the sniper rifle into a very powerful weapon in no-scope mode, something the game originally never intended to do. With the new permanent crosshairs settings in LR, server admins can level the playfield for everyone by simply turning on permanent crosshairs for that gun.

Additional server commands: New variables in the server config allow admins to add extra items to the sniper, engineer and scout by default. Using these commands, players can now be equipped with heatvision goggles, binoculars and/or flashlights, thereby adding powerful items and new tactical gameplay elements to their arsenal. Custom-made models have been created for these objects and they are now all net-synced to display correctly for all players, including the cone of light of the flashlight.

Heatvision Goggles LRv3020   Flashlight and Heatvision Goggles in LRv3020   Flashlight LRv3020

Game Modes

▶ CTF: Capture the Flag
Originally introduced to Far Cry through a mod and later added to eXcaliTrone, LRv3 also offers the CTF game mode with its custom HUD elements. The CTF game mode was improved and several issues — including a gamebreaking terrain collision problem — were fixed. Arrows on the top of the HUD will direct players towards the current positions of the flags. The mini-maps have been updated with bigger renderings for all existing maps. The Jack Carver icon in the center (in blue or red shirt) represents the player, teammates are shown as blue or red dots. Using the “-” or “+” keys on your keyboard you can zoom in or out. Pressing the “M” key opens up the mini-map in a full-size panel.

Gameplay: Go to the enemy camp, steel their flag and bring it back to your  base camp. Make sure your own flag isn’t stolen, otherwise you have to save your own flag first.

ctf mode

The CTF scoreboard and HUD are similar to the TDM mode. Additional icons identify players in the scoreboard that captured the flag of the opposing team. A “Captured” icon in the top center of the HUD informs players that they are carrying a flag.

ctf mode

▶ CAH: Capture and Hold
Introduced with LRv2, CAH is a simple game mode based on FFA with only one flag on the map. This flag has to be captured by a player and defended for as long as possible, while a timer is ticking away. At the end of the map, the player that has held the flag the longest is the winner. CAH shares the same HUD elements as the CTF game mode (for example the mini-map).

Gameplay: Get the flag and keep it for as long as possible. If your opponent is holding the flag, kill him and steal the flag from him.

▶ CTB: Capture the Transmission Base
First introduced with LRv2, CTB is a challenging game mode based on ASSAULT. It is a tactical team-based game variant in which the attackers have to upload transmissions within the defenders’ bases. Individual skills and good teamwork are required to succeed on CTB maps.

Gameplay: An attacking player starts the data upload at the transmission base, but is not allowed to leave the designated area for a given period of time until the transmission is completed. If the uploading attacker moves out of this area or dies, the data transfer stops and another attacker has to activate the transmission again.

ctb mode

New HUD and in-game effects: The player who has started the data upload has an animated skull hovering above his head, indicating to the defenders which player they have to eliminate. The attacking team can tell by the animated circle beneath the feet of their team mate if he is still healthy (yellow), hurt (orange) or in serious condition (red). An additional icon in the HUD also warns the attackers if their team mate’s health status is critical. A blue blinking icon will alert any uploading players that they are about to leave the designated area.

ctb mode

ctb mode

CTB scoreboard: Just as the new ASSAULT scoreboard will highlight players that captured flags, the CTB scoreboard shows the amount of checkpoints captured with the help of radio waves icons.

ctb mode

Anti-Cheat Protection

As PunkBuster does not support Far Cry anymore, we have developed a new anti-cheat engine of our own. This new engine doesn’t need any special configuration and works out of the box on all LRv3 game servers.

Whenever a game is launched, a basic hash check will verify the presence and integrity of all essential game files. This is also the reason why it takes slightly longer to load up Far Cry with LRv3 compared to patch 1.40. The Steam, GOG and Ubisoft Connect versions of Far Cry slightly differ from each other as do the CD/DVD versions. However, this has been addressed and any of their additional or differing files will be correctly verified as well.

During gaming, the anti-cheat engine will randomly check the files in each player’s game directory in the background using checksum signatures. Additional files or directories inside Far Cry will cause file whitelist violations and result in a kick from the game server. Moreover, the maps are also checked by default to assure that all players are playing with the same unmodified map version and haven’t altered their levels.

Game commands (CVARs) are checked during the gameplay as well. Certain CVARs are automatically set to fixed values for all players. Whenever these variables are edited in-game, it will trigger a kick from the LRv3 servers — so do not change your graphic settings while playing on a server! Some graphical CVARs cannot be altered at all in order to prevent players from gaining an advantage over others by tweaking their settings. For example, on low settings a smoke grenade wouldn’t blur your vision, therefore this has been set to a fixed value.

All anti-cheat violations are logged and server admins are able to monitor any kicks and bans on their game servers. Server admins can also share their ban lists. Do not edit Far Cry scripts, add files or use cheat software — your account will be locked and you will be permanently banned from all LRv3 game servers!


The LRv3 add-on provides a webinterface with a global player and master ban list. Automatically updated by all contributing game servers, the webinterface lets you see at a quick glance which players are on the servers right now. It also offers a concise and easy-to-use means to manage player bans and ban offers without having to check the logs of every game server individually one by one. Similar to patch 1.6 and XTv4, bans and kicks by LRv3 game servers are now collected in a dedicated Ban Offer section in the webinterface and allow players and server admins alike to quickly identify problems with game installations, disallowed files or differing map versions.

You can find the webinterface by following this link or by clicking on the button “Webinterface” in the header of this page.

Mapping – Far Cry Editor

While eXcaliTrone already offered several new features for multiplayer mapping, LRv3 has fine-tuned them, fixing many known bugs and adding a boatload of new features:

 Multiplayer physics objects: Physics objects were completely revised. Mappers can create different types of multiplayer physics objects that are fully synchronized during the game. Physics objects can now also be configured as being useable, which means that players can take objects, carry them around or use them as deadly weapons. It is also possible to create complex puzzles with useable objects that require forward thinking on the player’s part. For example a keycard on the floor and a keypad on the wall… Pick up the keycard and go to the keypad the card is affixed to the keypad and a door will open.

▶ Multiplayer triggers: We have fully revised all the triggers from eXcaliTrone and offer lots of additional triggers of our own. From an updated multiplayer proximity trigger to the skybox trigger and the highly complex environmental trigger, everything has been prepared for total online compatibility. Highly creative maps with a lot of variation, immersion and interaction are not restricted to single player gaming anymore. Mappers can now use the built-in Far Cry movie function to create custom animations, controlling them with our animation trigger. Door animations, for example for automated sliding doors, are also possible and will be synchronized for all players. Our material trigger allows mappers to change materials/textures of objects on the fly and the dynamics trigger allows mapper to control the game environment and player movement. Don’t forget our random timer trigger that creates recurring, yet at the same time completely randomized events. For the first time outside dedicated mods, mappers can also interfere with the game HUD and use our HUD signs/text triggers to display custom texts and images on screen. The charger trigger can replenish a player’s health, armor and ammo, and our jump pads do, well, what a jump pad is supposed to do.

Map: fc_all-stars

Map: fc_all-stars

Map: ctb_pripjat

▶ Custom vehicles: Created by Clivey during the Golden Age of Far Cry, all custom vehicles are made available again by the LRv3 patch. However, we also added our powerful own custom vehicle entity to the mix. The different entities offered back in the day were tailored for very specific types of vehicles, with very few parameters that mappers could actually tweak. Our custom vehicle entity allows mappers to fully configure their own ground-based vehicles and fine-tune an incredible amount of settings. In the properties roll-up bar, the mapper is able to set up the vehicle exactly the way he needs it to be: speed, mass, damage, weapon type, sounds, animations for drivers and passengers, car materials and even the amount of wheels the vehicles has can be specified.


▶ Several long-standing issues with the original Far Cry game have been addressed, including proper respawning of hang-gliders and multiplayer compatibility of countless input/output events for a variety of game entities. The RandomAmbientSound entity, defective since the release of the game, has been fixed and the persistent Mission0 bug has finally been eliminated. Binobug and heatvision exploits have also been mended.

▶ Animations for the wrench attack mode of the engineer have been added and will now show properly for all the other players on a server. Custom animations for new vehicles have been created and are available for mappers to use with their own vehicles for more variety.

 Materials and collision for select .cgf objects have been fixed and improved. New materials are provided for you (for use in 3ds max and terrain layers), long-lost materials from the Far Cry library are being re-added.

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